Whether you’ve decided that now is the time to take your first steps in fitness, or you’re a little way in and have realised things could do with a spruce up, Horsham-based personal trainer, Becky, is here to provide her top tips on Spring cleaning your exercise routine…

Do fitness and Spring cleaning really mix? Of course! Let me talk you through it.

Step one: the obvious
So many of us keep kit longer than we should. From shoes to sports bras and leggings to layers, lots of us wear our kit until it falls apart. Because it can be an investment! Plus we have our favourites. But shoes and bras in particular are things that we really shouldn’t compromise on. And, if you participate in a sport which involves safety kit such as pads or helmets, it’s critical to keep on top of replacing those per recommendations too.

But we all deserve to be wearing stuff that fits and is capable of doing the job. So go through your wardrobe, and sort out stuff that needs to go, is getting close to the end of use, and is still good. If it’s still good but you don’t find yourself reaching for it, now is the time to rehome it! Can you sell it? Or donate it? Or swap with a friend? If you’re not making the most of it, it needs to stop taking up space.

Keeping tabs on the kit that’s nearly done is also important – this means you can plan and budget for purchases, and hopefully also time them for when you can snaffle up a deal.

Step two: the kitchen
Water bottles in particular are having a real moment, and lots of us are guilty of buying trendy ones and not using them… but there’s also plenty in your kitchen which is probably worn out and needs to move on.

Smelly shaker bottle that isn’t sprucing up despite a million cleans? Or a lunchbox that leaks? Get rid and, if you still use those items, time to find new ones. I love TK Maxx for both variety and bargains. If you thought you’d be having a smoothie phase – or any other fad that involved a gadget – but it’s fizzled out, again move those gadgets along. Sell, donate, or recycle, depending on whether or not they still work. Hopefully you can raise some vital funds for yourself!

Step three: the kit
I’m guilty of toting around a bag of stuff, some of which I no longer use. Why? Habit. The same is true of the home kit I bought to get myself through lockdowns (though I’m clinging on just because you never know what could happen some day). There’s still some work that can be done…

If it’s broken, or you just know that you’re done with it, it’s time to get rid. The good news is that equipment purchases tend to be less urgent than some others so, again, make a note that it’s pending for replacement, and price watch until you get what you want.

Step four: the routine
Deep breath for me here, as I’m about to shoot myself in the foot: if the trainer you’re using, or the classes you’re going to, or the app you’re subscribed to no longer suit your needs, it’s time to quit them.

Change happens. Sometimes it’s positive growth – you no longer need the help of that platform or person. And sometimes it comes down to budget. Times are hard for many of us, so if now is when you need to cut back or go it alone, don’t be afraid to go ahead and do it. It could be that you get a few months down the line and are pleased you made the saving.

However, if you know you need support, and you need to prioritise that, then make sure what you’re doing is giving you what you want. There are plenty of service providers in the fitness space, so whilst it might take a little searching, it’s entirely possible to find the right one for you…

And if you think that could be me, it’s time to get in touch

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