January is over – here’s how to keep your fitness routine going

With the first flush of New Year enthusiasm now burned out, bank accounts restored post-festive period, and daylight hours increasing, the gym floors are emptying out again. But you’ve done the hard part with getting started. So how can you maintain a fitness routine year-round and avoid that classic peak and trough cycle? Horsham-based personal …

Chat GPT or human personal trainer?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been one of the absolute hottest topics of 2023. It’s been mentioned in a variety of contexts, from helping scientists to develop new medical treatments, to putting Hollywood on strike for months, and generating comments on social media. I’ve found the idea of it incredibly worrying, largely due to the speed …

Winter fitness: motivation to train when it’s dark

Here in the UK, autumn seems to have hit a new gear. Whilst the clocks changed last weekend, the sensitive (and early-rising) among us have noticed a significant change in daylight hours. It’s evident in the evenings too, with us now officially passing the point of post-6pm sunsets (the next one isn’t until March!). This …

What to Expect from Your Personal Training Session

Walking into a personal training session, especially if it’s your first time, can feel a little daunting. Whether you’re stepping onto the gym floor with me at Dual Strength and Fitness in Horsham, West Sussex, or you’re revisiting after a hiatus, personal training offers a unique, one-to-one experience tailored to your needs. Here’s a glimpse …

Step counts in the news… again

It’s been a good five minutes since steps equalled clicks, so what better to do than drive website traffic during the dismal summer months than to tell the public that they now “only” need to accomplish 4,000 per day to improve their health. Are the headlines true? Let’s review… Previously, on “Step Counts Are Newsworthy”…I …

Fitness and anxiety

Anxiety regarding fitness is a topic that comes up often, and this week I was asked to speak about it via Instagram Live. I wanted to continue the conversation here, and give you a reference point to come back to, so read on to find out more. With thanks to Rebecca (aka @thislifeofcare) for asking …