World Cancer Day – United by Unique

Horsham-based female personal trainer, Becky, is a cancer exercise specialist. She shares her thoughts on World Cancer Day – marked annually on 4th February – which has a new focus… It’s a while since I’ve posted about World Cancer Day – I think that these things can be hard for those in the cancer community; raising …

Side effects of surgery – what goes unsaid

Horsham-based female personal trainer, Becky, has had two significant surgeries at different points in her life. Here, she shares some of the hidden side effects in a bid to raise awareness and normalise what others may be going through… When it comes to the surgeries I’ve had, I tend to speak in terms of things …

Royal Marsden Exercise Oncology Study Day 2024

Horsham-based female personal trainer, Becky, is a cancer exercise specialist, and recently attended an exercise oncology study at London’s Royal Marsden hospital. Here, she shares her thoughts on the experience… Exercise oncology is a rapidly expanding field of work and study, which is operated by a huge range of professionals, from academics and exercise physiologists …

Cancer survivor’s guilt: how to handle it

At a Christmas party, I had a conversation about cancer survivor’s guilt. I know, festive. I was sat next to someone who’s been through cancer treatment, we already knew this about each other. And among the buzz of a raucous party, we had a quiet and important chat. This person had recently struggled with their …