When are gyms least busy?

Horsham-based female personal trainer, Becky, works at an independent gym. She trains a variety of clients on a one-to-one basis, and shares additional tips via her blog. Today, she answers a frequently asked question – when is the gym least busy? There’s a short and a long answer to this question, and I’ll give you …

How to boost gym confidence

Horsham-based female personal trainer, Becky, guides clients through one-to-one sessions at an independent gym. Her speciality? Increasing your confidence in your ability whilst helping you to strength train. Here’s how she does it… We’ve all got a type, haven’t we? I’m talking about clients, rather than romantic partners, but the same rule probably applies to …

Why do people film at the gym?

As smartphones have hit critical mass, video-based social media apps have soared in popularity, and everyone seems to have become a side-hustling blogger, gyms have become filming locations for many users. Is it all narcissism and no true purpose? Let’s discuss why people film at the gym, and what you can do if it makes …