Is it ok to take a break from working out?

I’m a personal trainer, and I’m currently on a week off from my own gym training. The response I’ve had when telling friends about this has been interesting, so it’s time to discuss it properly. Signs you need to take a break from the gymI strength train four times per week. I realised a long …

Five things a Personal Trainer wants you to give up for Lent

It’s Ash Wednesday, one of the Western fitness world’s favourite holidays, because it’s a great excuse to spread diet culture messaging and guilt our clients (and prospective clients) into going HAM on their calorie restriction via a Lent Fitness Challenge. If a trainer shared a protein pancake recipe yesterday (bonus points if they made the …

How to measure exercise progress without weighing yourself

I recently completed a consultation with a new client – a “get to know you” session which involves discussing current habits, hopes for the future, and ideas for what a person wants to get out of personal training. This client has “fat loss” on their list of goals, and that’s ok with me. There’s a …

Your guide to starting a January fitness kick!

Christmas is nearly here, and many of us are looking forward to enjoying ourselves, particularly as many of us are enjoying our social lives in a way that we haven’t since 2019. But once the celebrations are over, January hits us with a thump, and lots of people then start to think abo0ut overhauling their …

All I want for Christmas… fitness edition

It’s definitely that time of year! And, if you don’t ask, you don’t get, so I’m taking Mariah’s lead and sharing my I want this Fitmas. Read on to find out more… I don’t want a lot for Christmas…Since becoming a PT, I’ve become increasingly aware of how unwelcoming, inaccessible, and unsafe gyms are for …

Vanity vs Sanity – which fitness metrics matter?

Human beings just love measurable statistics. And this adoration has been brilliantly exploited by the fitness and technology industries in the form of measuring our bodies and performance. As technology has both improved and become more affordable, we’ve become obsessed with humblebragging, and monitoring our progress. But are all available units worth keeping a beady …

Hypopressives: one year of practice

Time flies when you’re training your pelvic floor! My journey to improve that and my general core strength started last year, and I thought I’d share my experience in the hope that it helps others. First: some backgroundNo, I haven’t had a baby (and I certainly don’t want one!), but this is the first place …

Barriers to exercise: an apology

A recent article in Stylist hit me with a thump, and it’s time to say that I’m sincerely sorry. The publication posted a “beginners guide to exercise” and I read it shaking my head at the realisation of how wrong some advice I’ve previously shared is. The item I’m specifically referencing is at the bottom …

Back to school your fitness

It’s that time of year! Uniforms are being bought, lunchboxes being dusted off, and bus routes being figured out. You’ve got the kids ready for the new term (just about) but what about yourself? September is a great time to reassess your exercise routine – I’m here to take you back to school and make …

Football has come home, so now what?

England’s Lionesses roared (sorry. Not sorry) to victory in the European Championships and suddenly women’s sport – and specifically women’s football – is in the spotlight, on the front pages, and being hailed as the conquering heroine of feminism. Now whilst all of that is true, how do we ensure that this remains the case …