Fitting in exercise during school holidays

Horsham-based female personal trainer, Becky, works at an independent gym and trains clients one-to-one. Lots of her clients are parents, and manage childcare responsibilities alongside training. Here, she shares some suggestions for how this can be possible when routines change during school holidays… I’d like to start with an acknowledgement of privilege, and the fact …

International Women’s Day – fitness edition

Horsham-based female personal trainer, Becky, works at an independent gym and focuses on the confidence and enjoyment of her clients. As the world prepares to mark International Women’s Day, she examines the aims of rights, equality and empowerment through a fitness lens… On 8th March, the UN and the wider global community marks International Women’s …

Move For Your Mind 2025 – review

Horsham-based female personal trainer, Becky, works hard to provide the best service possible at an independent gym in Sussex. She recently attended Move For Your Mind 2025 in an effort to improve further, and shares her thoughts on the event here… I can’t remember why I missed the first version of this event, but I …

Should I do a Hyrox?

As 2024 draws to a close, many people will spend some time reflecting about what they’d like to do or achieve in 2025. Horsham-based female personal trainer, Becky, often has clients and others ask her what their fitness goals should be. Recently, the question of whether or not to participate in a Hyrox event has …

The one fitness resolution you need to make this New Year

Horsham-based female personal trainer, Becky, works at an independent gym focused on improving her clients’ strength and confidence. With January rapidly approaching, the question everyone wants the answer to is what they should aim to change when making New Year’s resolutions. Let’s dive in… I don’t usually like applying one rule to everyone. The key, …

Festive fitness: should you prioritise the gym in December?

Horsham-based female personal trainer, Becky, is a cancer and COPD specialist, as well as training other clients via an independent gym. With December rapidly approaching, here are her tips on how to cope with the most wonderful time of the year in terms of your fitness… First things first, I’m not here to tell you …

From Paul Mescal to 25-year old trainers: why we need to change our fitness idols

Horsham-based female personal trainer, Becky, works with a variety of people in order to build their strength and confidence. She’s noticed a couple of trends via the news and social media – it’s time to discuss celebrity and gym floor influences… Social media has thrown a couple of similar topics at me at once lately. …

Experimenting with Apple Watch’s Pause Rings feature

Horsham-based female personal trainer, Becky, welcomes an update from Apple which offers users the chance to track rest days, as well as activity. But she’s found a few glitches when using her watch’s pause rings feature… Apple finally listened. September’s grand annual software update included the function that many of us have longed for: iOS …

Injury rehab as a personal trainer

Female personal trainer, Becky, works at a gym in Horsham, West Sussex. During the summer, she sustained an injury which has taught her a lot about healing and training. She shares more here… This isn’t my first rodeo with injury or rehab, but it has been a very different journey. Some of my other situations …

Should I get a walking pad?

Horsham-based female personal trainer, Becky, helps people to get stronger, live their lives well, and enjoy their gym sessions with her. She’s recently been asked to share her thoughts on the trend of adding a walking pad to office setups. Here’s her take… Our old friend, the step count goal, is on the agenda again …