How to plan a personal training session

Horsham-based female personal trainer, Becky, works with people looking to heal their relationship with exercise and become more confident in the gym. This is how she plans sessions to ensure that her clients actually want to do them… Time to give away the true secrets of personal training! When you work with me, sessions aren’t …

Booking personal training sessions in Horsham

Horsham-based female personal trainer, Becky, works at an independent gym. Clients are seen one-to-one, and she has specialist qualifications in cancer exercise and exercise for COPD. Becky’s experience also allows her to shine with clients who are lacking in confidence in the gym environment, as well as those who have a rocky relationship with exercise. …

Fitting in exercise during school holidays

Horsham-based female personal trainer, Becky, works at an independent gym and trains clients one-to-one. Lots of her clients are parents, and manage childcare responsibilities alongside training. Here, she shares some suggestions for how this can be possible when routines change during school holidays… I’d like to start with an acknowledgement of privilege, and the fact …

International Women’s Day – fitness edition

Horsham-based female personal trainer, Becky, works at an independent gym and focuses on the confidence and enjoyment of her clients. As the world prepares to mark International Women’s Day, she examines the aims of rights, equality and empowerment through a fitness lens… On 8th March, the UN and the wider global community marks International Women’s …

Client journey: cancer treatment to fundraising

Horsham-based female personal trainer, Becky, is a cancer exercise specialist, working with those who are recovering from cancer treatment. Today, she shares the journey of a client who’s now fundraising for Sarcoma UK. I’m delighted to be able to shine the spotlight on one of my clients this week. It’s something I’ve thought about carefully, …

Why I don’t share suggested workouts

Horsham-based female personal trainer, Becky, works one-to-one with a range of clients via an independent gym. She specialises in helping those who struggle with confidence in the gym and, although she uses social media, she doesn’t share suggested workouts – here’s why… There are a lot of strategies and tactics involved when marketing your business. …

Am I too unfit to exercise?

Horsham-based female personal trainer, Becky, works at an independent gym. She trains clients of a variety of abilities on a one to one basis, and enjoys finding what works best for them and their goals. Today, she addresses the broadly held belief that a person has to achieve a certain standard of fitness before being …

World Cancer Day – United by Unique

Horsham-based female personal trainer, Becky, is a cancer exercise specialist. She shares her thoughts on World Cancer Day – marked annually on 4th February – which has a new focus… It’s a while since I’ve posted about World Cancer Day – I think that these things can be hard for those in the cancer community; raising …

Getting started at the gym? These are your three essentials

Horsham-based female personal trainer, Becky, works one to one at an independent gym to help her clients gain strength and confidence. With many people choosing to get started this month, and lots of conflicting advice overcomplicating what you need to do so, she shares the only three things you need… Welcome to the gym, whether …

Move For Your Mind 2025 – review

Horsham-based female personal trainer, Becky, works hard to provide the best service possible at an independent gym in Sussex. She recently attended Move For Your Mind 2025 in an effort to improve further, and shares her thoughts on the event here… I can’t remember why I missed the first version of this event, but I …