I mentioned previously on the blog that I’m aiming to try one new thing per month this year. February was a little light on Things and Opportunities, partly because it just took me by surprise. Like many people, I felt as though January lasted for approximately 9,000 years, and then suddenly we’re hit with the shortest month of the year? Happens every time, and still catches me out. Anyway, I did do it, so I thought I’d tell you about it…

Firstly, this story is about networking
When I decided to be self-employed, I knew I’d want support in various forms. It’s a very different way of life to being employed, and whilst I had a few self-employed friends, their lives are also different to mine in other key ways (meaning: most of them are married with kids). I wanted some more self-employed friends, so went on a hunt. And found Co-Women, a networking group for women based mostly in Brighton.

They seemed nice, they ran fun events, and when I first joined, I had no idea quite how much I’d found my people. Some of them have quickly become very good friends, and sources of inspiration and advice. Side note, if you’re in the position I was, I do highly recommend joining.

Back to the story of February’s New Thing
Co-Women hosts events every Thursday evening. Although I was a member in time for 2022’s Valentine’s extravaganza, I didn’t manage to go, and regretted it. So I quickly put my name down for the 2023 event, which was karaoke in Brighton, with the additional lure of burgers and bottomless cocktails.

As the night approached, I was feeling run down, but I gave myself a pep talk, got myself dressed, and headed to Kemptown in order to party with my friends.

Whilst I’d been to karaoke before, it had always either been at a house party or in a venue which has small rooms for private bookings, I’d never participated at a larger event which was open to anyone. And that was my New Thing.

Finding the courage to get on stage
I drew on every resource I had going. I thought back to all of the books I’ve read and courses I’ve taken. I contemplated the number of times I preach how to build your confidence to step out onto the gym floor and train, and how I’ve walked that path myself (and sometimes still do!). I looked around me and watched others go first, from one of our group who added a lot of audience participation via encouraging wild dancing, to others who just stood up and completely owned their song choice.

I wrote down my song and kept playing with the piece of paper, putting it to one side and picking it up again several times before I plucked up the courage to hand it to the host. And a small part of me still really hoped that I’d sneak out before my name was called.

Then it was my turn to sing
Sure enough, the host called my name, cued my chosen track (I’d refused to tell my friends what it was), and off I went. I kicked myself, because I’d made the stupid choice of a song that has literally no intro, it opens with the vocal, so I had no option but to throw myself in. Fortunately, it’s a song I love and one that’s familiar to many, so I soon had my friends up and dancing to help me scream the lyrics.

I came off stage, heart pounding and glad I’d pushed myself. I’d ticked another item off my list AND just about managed to have a good time, thanks to my sheer will and the help of my friends.

What’s next?
In March, I’m FINALLY off on part of the trip I was supposed to take in 2020, so my New Thing is a gimme. It might be time to start thinking ahead to April and May. Have you got any suggestions for me?

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