As the New Year fully kicks in, I wanted to share some thoughts about the previous one (a little later than many others, perhaps, but it’s given me more time to reflect). This is partly a highlight reel, but there are also some home truths – I’m going to share some lowlights too. Read on to find out more…

A personal trainer’s professional highlights…
2022 was my first full year in business! So the highlights are quite clear – taking on my very first clients, and receiving positive feedback from them was a boost. It was great to be able to see that I was able to help people make a difference to their lives. I learned a lot in a short space of time, too – how to properly work with clients, make space for their preferences, and figure out exactly what kind of coach I am.

I did some more professional development throughout the year, which was also valuable. I enjoyed the day I spent learning with The Movement charity and found out more about being a trauma informed personal trainer.

There was a little flurry of positivity at the end of the year, many of which were firsts: I moved gyms to be a bit closer to where I live, and in an environment I prefer; I had my first request for the purchase of a gift voucher for my services; I received a Christmas present from a client for the first time; and I went to a self-employed Christmas party, which is the best one I’ve ever been to.

And some lows throughout the year…
2022 wasn’t without difficulty, as I’m sure is the case for most people. I had a client decide to relocate, which was a positive decision for them, but I miss training with them as they were great fun! Through the summer, several clients then left me due to the rising cost of living, and August was a particularly bleak time when I worried that my business wouldn’t make it. That then led to me having a very tough time personally, and I leaned on some great friends and my own strategies to get through.

I also experienced the death of a client. Having chosen to specialise in cancer rehab, it was sadly inevitable, but it was hard to have this happen during my first year. I’ll remain grateful for the lessons every client has taught me, and this particular one will stick with me for a long time.

I naively hadn’t prepared for how working in a gym environment might impact my mental health in other ways: I found it challenging being in a fitness space constantly, and struggled with comparing my body to other people. This is something I’m still working on finding peace with – hopefully it’ll settle soon!

Finishing with personal highlights…
Happily, there have been many of these for me. My first overseas trips since 2020 – yes, two! – which I’d really missed doing. Mexico and Italy were the perfect destinations: a beach break in the Spring just after my birthday, then a city break later in the year which involved as much food consumption as sight-seeing, one of my favourite types of holiday.

I made some fantastic new friends thanks to joining a self-employed networking group. Which meant that I accomplished the one goal I had out of taking out membership to Co-Women (do come and join us!).

And I wouldn’t be a personal trainer if I didn’t mention my own strength – I set a specific lifting goal and hit it in August, which is something I’m really proud of.

What’s on the agenda for 2023?
Hopefully onwards and upwards! I’d like to take on more clients, and have spaces available for personal training sessions at the gym I work at in Horsham. I’m definitely going on at least one trip abroad – I’m off to Morocco in March – and would love another if I can squeeze it in. I’ll also be continuing to save to get myself on the property ladder, whilst reading more books and learning more about myself and the world around me.

Are you feeling ready to ease in to 2023? Let me know what’s on your agenda!

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