It’s definitely that time of year! And, if you don’t ask, you don’t get, so I’m taking Mariah’s lead and sharing my I want this Fitmas. Read on to find out more…

I don’t want a lot for Christmas…
Since becoming a PT, I’ve become increasingly aware of how unwelcoming, inaccessible, and unsafe gyms are for those with disabilities, additional needs, and who represent the diverse spectrum of the world’s population.

Gyms are heteronormative, promote certain beauty standards, and cater primarily for cisgender able-bodied people. We need to be better at welcoming and supporting those from a broader range of experiences and bodies. Equipment needs to be adaptable for those who use wheelchairs, or other mobility aids, and those with limb differences. It also needs to be accessible to those in larger bodies, or who have a limited range of movement. So much equipment isn’t even suited to those who are below “average height” even (and “average” in this context always means men – handles are far too chunky for the size of many women’s hands).

Allies need to make themselves available for support. Changing rooms and toilets need to be gender neutral. Gyms and fitness spaces need to make their safeguarding and complaints procedures clear, as well as having a code of conduct that all users adhere to, with the consequences of breaking this enforced strictly.

We’ve got a long way to go…

There is just one thing I need
Put your weights away! I can’t quite believe it’s 2022 and we’re still saying this. Although, as someone who’s been a regular gym-goer since the pre-COVID era, I have to say that on the whole, this has improved a lot since 2020.

When previously you’d even regularly see the ultimate heinous crime of a barbell left loaded with plates hanging on the squat rack (or, worse, as I once saw and actually chased after the man to fix it: abandoned in the middle of a lifting platform), things have got an enormous amount better. Not to jinx it, but I can’t remember the last time I saw a barbell left with plates on in my own gym. The unloading of plate-loaded machines has improved enormously, and stray dumbbells are now a rarity.

Let’s keep it up, and even aim to improve: if you use it, put it away; if some fool left plates on a machine that you need, thank them for saving you a little effort… and then correct their mistake at the end of your set.

I don’t care about the presents
Gyms are so much about image, and the fitness industry has a big problem here… but what I’d really love is for people to have the confidence to wear what they want in the gym (within reason, obviously – decency is a thing).

I know that there are a lot of people who quietly feel intimidated because their kit isn’t matchy matchy, or doesn’t have a certain logo on it, or their shoes have seen better days. If you love it, it helps you get the job done, it doesn’t flash anything it shouldn’t, and it’s clean, then please go ahead and wear it.

Make my wish come true
Since starting my own strength training journey, learning more about physiology, and continuing to read a range of books about health and bodies, I’ve become even more convinced that all women need to be aware of the benefits of resistance training. It’s clear to me that there are no down sides to learning to lift well, and progressing your training within a safe and comfortable limit. Listening to your body is a good skill to have too – when you train regularly, I think you’re more likely to notice something being “off” faster, and hopefully seek help to investigate the issue. And if none of that helps you make up your mind, consider how it might feel to just be an utter badass.

All I want for Christmas…
Is that you don’t be a dick in the fitness space. January is coming, and those of us who’ve been there before know that it’s one of the busiest times of the year. Welcome the newbies. You were one once too. Support them in their goal of being there, and help them want to stay.

Ok, maybe I do want a lot for Christmas… maybe just buy me these in a size 9.5? Thanks.

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