It’s that time of year! Uniforms are being bought, lunchboxes being dusted off, and bus routes being figured out. You’ve got the kids ready for the new term (just about) but what about yourself? September is a great time to reassess your exercise routine – I’m here to take you back to school and make sure the next year is a huge success. Let’s go through three things you can action right now…

Check through your kit
For those of you with kids, this will be a familiar process. Everything you run through with them? Go through it for yourself. Where are your… trainers / socks / leggings / water bottle / towel / sports bra / gym membership card / specialist kit / training plans / insert other critical items here!

Don’t let AWOL clothing hold you back. Or, more importantly, equipment that is no longer fit for purpose. Financially, times are tough for many of us, but if we can see your underwear through a hole in the back of your leggings, it’s time to figure out a way to replace them.

My suggestion is this: set aside some time to go through everything (again, as you would for your kids), and be honest. If it doesn’t fit, or isn’t suitable for the job it needs to do, it needs to go. It’s also a chance to make a list of things which work right now but might need replacing during the coming months. Keep in mind that (sadly) the weather is going to change sooner than you can whisper “jingle bells” and that whilst you don’t need the bobble hat and gloves right now, if you’re going to train outdoors during the winter, you will need them on standby.

There are places you can donate your unused but in good condition kit to, and for the stuff which isn’t usable, I recommend a trip to Sweaty Betty, who will recycle your clothes (from any brand) and give you a discount voucher in return.

Finally: make sure what you’re keeping is clean and stored somewhere you can easily access it!

Organise your new timetable
Whether you took time out from exercise over the summer or not, now is a great time to reassess your routine. Do you still enjoy the activities you’ve most recently been doing? Are they still challenging you? And are they still accessible meaning, do the days, times and locations suit the rest of your schedule?

If the answer to any of those questions is “no”, then now is the time to have a think and a reshuffle. Lots of classes start new programmes in September, so it can be a great opportunity to try something different. If other things have changed in your life and you need to swap locations, make sure that you cancel any existing subscriptions before fully moving on.

Then give yourself time to adapt! Just as the kids are settling in with new classes, teachers and buildings, so are you. Allow yourself and your coach some grace, and speak up about any difficulties you’re having – we can only help when we know there’s a problem (and not all of them are visible to the naked eye).

Catch up with your teacher
Obviously, we want to hear all about what you got up to on your holidays, and it’s also a good time to ask us to recap anything you’ve forgotten or are unsure of. If your focus has switched, let us know so that we can discuss re-programming for you, to ensure that you’re still on track to hit any goals you set. Remember that goals can be holistic as well as performance-related: if the whole point is for you to enjoy yourself, that’s fine by me! As long as I’m aware, I can tailor your sessions accordingly.

Committing to sessions with your coach will also help you to get back into the groove and keep pushing, particularly as the light starts to fade from summer. It’s my job to take you through the home stretch of the year with a spring in your step and a smile on your face, so grab those session slots before someone else does!

Ready to book in? Get in touch to start planning your sessions with me

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