Five years of fitness – what happened after I learned to run

It felt weird telling people I had done a “learn to run” course. For several reasons, I told very few people when I signed up, but once I came out of my shell about it, it still felt weird. I was, after all, 30, and most people said, “did you not as a child?!”. Because …

Beyond January – you’ve got started, here’s how to keep going

Whether you tipsily and tearily decided as the countdown reached midnight that this would be the year that you Get Fit, or you’d been planning it for a while, lots of people go all in for January before making a sliding exit in February. Some hang on a bit longer – typically, they set a …

Overcoming barriers to confidence in the gym

I recently asked my Instagram followers what questions they had about gaining confidence in the gym. One of my favourites was: “All the men. How to own it when it’s you and a load of men.” And here are my ideas (as someone who’s tried a variety of strategies during the last 5 years)… I …

Don’t believe everything you read (or: why following a newspaper fitness plan won’t work) 

Every so often, I read a fitness feature in the lifestyle section of a newspaper and take great joy in ripping it to shreds. And not in the dramatic weight loss fashion. I hate these features, and many others in actual fitness publications. It’s awkward, because it’s hard to tell whether the trainer is just …

What the professionals know about motivation, and how you can use it too 

I was scrolling through TikTok when a video by US rugby player and Olympian, Ilona Maher caught my attention. She made a name for herself during the Tokyo Games by using the platform expertly to give an insight to her personality and life as an athlete and, since then, has continued to share mostly comedic …

Adherence: the least sexy and most critical factor in fitness programming 

A (male running) coach ran a poll as to what the “best” form of exercise is for those who are short on time, looking for convenience, and don’t have a habit for exercise. Naturally, I waded in.  Firstly, there is no “best” exercise. Strength training is best at getting you stronger. Cardio respiratory training will …