Five reasons going on holiday is good for your fitness

My personal training clients often ask me how to “cope” with holidays (I mean, if they’re looking for tips on seeing the sights whilst eating all of the delicious foods and enjoying a lot of drinks, they have come to the right place…), meaning that they want to know how to “stay on track” whilst …

Fitness industry intimidation

The fitness industry has a reputation for being both prescriptive and judgmental. During the last few years, there has been a push from some demographics to instigate change, working against the industry’s history of lack of diversity in terms of size, shape and ethnicity of participants and leaders. The industry is also known for pushing …

Do you really need to get 10,000 steps a day?

As a millennial, I’ve watched life evolve at a ridiculous pace. Some revolutions have failed to take off – bet someone reading this has got a dusty mini disc player in a drawer somewhere – but one which started with pedometers seems to have been boosted to the point of mega hype today. I’m talking …

Why we shouldn’t be keeping up with the Kardashians

Thanks to Kim, I’m waiting for the phone to ring, or an email to come through, or for someone to slide into my DMs saying: “she lost sixteen pounds in three weeks, and I’ve actually got six weeks until I go on holiday, so can you help me lose thirty-two pounds?”. Why is a personal …

Is it possible to use a fitness tracker mindfully?

When it comes to fitness tracking devices, opinions are absolutely like arseholes – everyone’s got one. This isn’t going to be a debate about which one is best. Instead, I’m going to share what made me change my mind, and how I went from vehemently against them to in favour of using them mindfully… I …

Lessons from lockdown

Many of us may rather forget the several COVID-19 lockdowns we’ve experienced, and whilst I had my own low points, there were some important lessons too. On the anniversary of our OG lockdown (Tiger King, sourdough starters, Zoom quizzes… you know, you were there), I’m sharing the takeaways specific to fitness: Home workouts are not …

Getting away from it all… or not

With holidays apparently back on the agenda for many of us (fingers firmly crossed after I got heavily burned in March 2020 – and not by the sun!), something that a lot of people worry about is losing progress if they take time off whilst they go away. In my expert opinion, there are a …

Screen time: how you’re under-using your smartphone at the gym

What on earth did we do before smartphones? How did we cope in queues without the ability to distract ourselves with a quick scroll? What did we do if we were running late, and couldn’t contact the person we were due to meet? And how did we inform our friends of the cute dog/ridiculous person/hilarious …