Horsham-based female personal trainer, Becky, has a variety of interests outside of her work, and often shares her thoughts via her blog. Here, she describes the experience of attending an aromatherapy mist workshop recently in Lewes…

It’s been a minute since we had an experience review on the blog! Truth be told, a significant part of that is the fact that I was really busy in April and May due to studying, and having fun took a bit of a backseat. Plus I have to talk about work and be useful sometimes too!

However, one of my favourite loves was satisfied during a quieter moment in May, when I attended a workshop to make an aromatherapy mist. Let me tell you all about it…

Thank you, ClassBento
If you don’t yet know, get to know ClassBento. It’s a fab platform where you can book and try all sorts of things, and there are events by the kinds of creators I wouldn’t otherwise hear of. It’s how my kintsugi workshop was booked and, in a good marketing hook, when I left ClassBento a review, they sent me a discount code, so I went hunting through their site for more fun things to do.

Nothing massively grabbed me at the time, so I kept the voucher in the locker, but I did find some people I thought were interesting, and gave them a follow on social media. One of those people was Pip, who runs 360 Botanics, and it meant that when she announced her next event, I was ready to pounce…

Aromatherapy mist workshop
Pip had set the peaceful venue up beautifully for our small group. She introduced herself by giving an overview of her aromatherapy background, and invited us to choose an oracle card to guide ourselves – this is a practice I love, it’s part of my weekly yoga class too.

Introduction made and ideas beginning to form, I turned to the selection of oils in front of me and started sniffing! We’d been advised to pick three out to blend our creation, and I started with some which were familiar to me. I tend to really enjoy certain flavours… and was surprised to find those which go in foods I typically like were really unappealing on this occasion!

I took it as information, rather than judging myself, and instead left those oils behind and moved on. I soon had a couple that I was really interested in, and began to create my blotter bouquet – a way of holding them together so that the scents are still distinct, but you can get an idea of how they work together. It’s a great method of switching smells in and out to determine which combination you prefer.

Typically, I managed to find myself torn between a couple of strong options, so asked Pip to guide me…

Expert advice
Pip took my bouquets and made an assessment. I agreed with her wisdom, and eventually went with my gut. She also volunteered a third option – that I use three main scents, and add a dash of a fourth which had grabbed my heart. And we had a winner.

Pip gave me a recipe, and I started putting together my final product. Many would be anxious at this point, because this is the first time your properly smell what you’re making, and it can change. But I knew that this was going to work!

Sure enough, when I mixed and sprayed the scent, I loved it, and was really pleased with what I’d be taking home. My final task was to name it, and my oracle card was the only inspiration I needed there. With Pip declaring my mix “heady”, I knew it had to be the name on the card I’d drawn – Affection.

I had a great time at this event – exploring scent is something that I really love, and to think slightly differently about it is always valuable. If you’d like to find out more about Pip and her work, you can visit her website.

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